Meeting Regularly at Chapman

Fun!, Company History, Service, Maintenance, Installation,

Meeting regularly is something that is important to our company culture here at Chapman. All of our departments meet regularly to ensure that in the hustle and bustle of keeping Mid-Missouri comfortable, nothing falls through the cracks. It is a great way for us to make sure that we are staying up on what is going on in all the departments too!

The service department meets every Tuesday as an entire group. One important thing that happens during these meetings is they go over customer comment card feedback. Discussing positive and negative feedback helps everyone in the future. All team members are encouraged to give feedback to one another so can learn from one another.

The installation department also meets weekly, except they meet on Wednesdays. This gives the group an opportunity to look at the rest of the week and figure out where they are able to help out one another. This is also a great opportunity for our installers to get training in new industry technology. Learning how to efficiently install new equipment saves everyone time!

Our managers come together weekly in a meeting we call Huddle. This gives all of the department leaders and the owners an opportunity to stay in touch with what is going on in their separate worlds. Even though Chapman is a pretty small company, we all get busy in our own departments and are not always aware of what one another are dealing with.

Then once a month on a Thursday, the full company gets together for our breakfast meeting. These meetings are less formal, but an opportunity to share our progress from the previous month and lay out what the coming month will look like. We celebrate our company birthdays and there is also always delicious food prepared by one of our owners, Heidi C!

Staying informed is one way our team members build and maintain strong bonds, and also is a way that we ensure our customer service is top notch! Regular meetings with every faction of our company are just another way we take care of the customer.